Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Still Here...

Yes, it's been a very long time since I posted anything new on this blog--let's hope I remember how to do it!
Maybe I will just start with some photos of our winter time in the Tucson desert:

Our cardinals are still here, waiting for us to feed them as they entertain us with their beauty...

Very, very unusual winter storm with the most snow we have ever seen at out home...
The mountains covered in snow outside of our back wall:

The snow coming down and covering our backyard fountain:

The snow coming down in the pool:

The snow in our front yard:

And our hummingbirds still feeding on the patio while it is snowing:

Those of you who are used to snow, please forgive all of the snow pictures. This was a big deal to us. Remember this is the desert so it was quite a treat for us to behold!

As always, a fun trip to Las Vegas...
Where the Captain always finds money!!! That is only one 5 dollar bill with nothing but many, many hundred dollar bills behind it!

Too much fun...

We also made a new and wonderful friend who gifted us with this beautiful painting. She had painted it but says that when she met us she knew it was ours to celebrate our love! And yes, we do celebrate our love and now celebrate our love for her also. She is quite gifted and we are so appreciative of her gifting us.

And now hanging on our wall near our sacred meditation area:

And on April 18th  we celebrated our 10 year Wedding Anniversary!!!!
Time is so illusory as it seems we have been together forever and other times it feels as though we have just met. But whatever the number, it is perfect... as we continue our commitment to grow this love and knowing of one another... into Oneness.

We went to a little hideaway south of Tucson where we had nothing to do but celebrate each other.
It's in Tubac, about 60 miles south and altho it is still desert, it is lush and green.

And how perfect that it was also full moon. So see the moon rising thru the middle of the tree, the same tree as above by the pond:

And now a little higher and to the right of the tree:

And now a selfie with Mother Moon in the background bringing even more magic to an already magical time together! Thank you Mama...

Okay, I guess I didn't forget how to do this, so there will be more coming about our summertime on EcstaSea. Till soon......