Thursday, May 24, 2012

Rain, Wine and Afternoon Naps

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We have been in Alghero, Sardinia exactly 2 weeks now. Today, after 3 days of constant, down pouring rain we ventured out for a lasagna lunch with a bottle of red wine. And then of course, after stumbling back to EcstaSea we needed a 2 hour nap in the rainy afternoon just because we could….Life is sweet and we are settling in well once again with our life aboard the boat.

We arrived on Tuesday night 2 weeks ago and put EcstaSea in the water on that Friday. All was wonderful and we were more than ready to begin our journey going forward. But have you ever been surprised that when you think you are going "forward", you are surprised and shocked to find out that you really are going "backwards"? Well, imagine our surprise as the Greatest Captain in the World (Richard) put the boat in gear to go forward away from the dock and the boat actually went backwards into the concrete dock !!! Such is life--sometimes you just don't know which way you are going….Come to find out after the "Big Bang", the propellor which had been worked on over the winter was put back on the boat backwards (by the mechanic)which made forward and reverse opposite. Soooo….. We had to have EcstaSea hauled out of the water once again to fix the propellor and the damage to the transom. Just a little set-back but all is fixed and well and we are actually going "forward" as we had wanted to. A quick trip to the Lemon Stand for a super big Mojito and Lemon Vodka helped calm the nerves and heal the pain.

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Back to the rain….It is like being cocooned in the womb of Yemaya. Water above, below and all around us. We find that it is a great time to just "be", Just like the 9 months that we all spent floating and being within the Mother, nourished and growing without conscious "doing" as we prepared for the journey beyond. It's a sweet gift, the rain, when we remember it as such. Snuggled deep and safe in the womb we are, and ready for the journey ahead.
Which we intend to be a journey south. It is that time again when we must leave the European Union countries (every 2 years) in order to reset the time that we can remain here in the Med. So we are traveling south to Tunisia again. If any of you remember from our trip there 2 years ago, it was not one of our favorite places. So we are taking this opportunity to change our minds and  go there with an open heart and new vibration. Can we clear our minds of our "old stories" about it and start fresh and clear again? We'll see, but that is surely our intention. Send us your "good vibrations" to help us with ours--okay?

    Our favorite restaurant for lasagna, Bella Napoli.
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               Our favorite restaurant for Pizza, El Putal.
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                          Old wall around the port and old town.   
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We love Alghero and as it is the 4th winter that we have left EcstaSea here, it feels like home. It is always great fun to reacquaint ourselves with our favorite people and places. 
Thanks for letting us share our lives as they unfold.
Till soon…..