Wednesday, July 22, 2009


We had a perfect sailing day from the Island of Mallorca over to the Island of Menorca on our last hurrah on the Balaeric Islands of Spain. Coming up the east coast of Menorca we saw this awesome view of the caves with the typical torres (ancient lookout tower)as seen all over the islands. Menorca has the greatest concentration of prehistoric remains in the entire Mediterranean and the port city of Mahon is supposedly where mayonnaise was created. We of course have totally gotten on board with the local custom of eating aioli (mayonnaise with garlic) with just about everything.Yummmmm.

We spent just a few days moored in the harbor of Mahon, getting ready for our passage to Sardinia. Soooo, we are ready and leave tomorrow morning for about a 30 hour cruise to the Italian island of Sardinia and new adventures..........

Friday, July 17, 2009

Palma, Mallorca

Full Moon never ceases to amaze and delight us and this last full moon and lunar eclipse in Cabo Malgrats did not disappoint us. As usual, everyone in the cala (cove) left at sunset and we were anchored all by ourselves, and we claimed it as OURS! Mother Moon rose over the cliffs and we were blessed by a shooting star, bright and red that we were sure dropped right into the ocean before our very eyes. We lay on the foredeck for hours being rocked by Yemaya and basking in the fullness of light. What a life........

Cruising back into Palma for the first time this year we were excited as we saw the cathedral high and mighty as we came into port. Palma is one of the most beautiful seaside cities of the world and since we have become so familiar with it last year and this, it is one of those cities that we call "Ours".

While getting some work done on the boat we also took plenty of time to enjoy our favorite restaurants and long walks in the evenings along the old city, listening to music here and there. One evening we were sure we had been transported back in time as we sat in a little pizza joint and listened to quintessential Bob Dylan. Altho Barcelona had more variety and cheaper prices in restaurants than here, Richard says the best Indian food in all the world is here and he just couldn't get enough of "Chicken Tika Masala". Willow says it's just too hot to eat.....
The first day we arrived they broke a record at 106 degrees and 100% humidity. Makes us appreciate that dry hot desert heat.

Right before we left Palma the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior docked just 200 yards from us. For those who are too young to know about or remember Greenpeace from times long ago here's some info: The first Rainbow Warrior was sunk by the French as they were protesting nuclear testing in the south Pacific in the mid 80's. This ship was commissioned in 89 and has been active in all the oceans of the world every since. We are proud and pleased to know that they are still active, protecting our waters and environment even now.

Our time here in Palma and Mallorca is drawing to a close and we are sailing away for the island of Mennorca on our way to new territories of Sardenia and Corsica. New islands, new languages, new food, new adventures for expansion of all that is..........

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A few things we have learned and a few things we now question as a consequence of our sailing experiences: According to Richard---All speedos should require a permit!!!! And it should be a woman or group of women who judge the individual applicants after they have submitted full disclosure, especially a picture. Otherwise we are all subject to our aesthetic values being irreparably damaged. On the other hand, how is it that we puritans ever believed we needed bathing suits at all. We’ve grown accustomed to the freedom of the “au naturel” swimming experience. Is skinny-dipping was only for the skinny? Nooooooo. No speedos, no speedos, no speedos!!!!


A few things we have learned and a few things we now question as a consequence of our sailing experiences:
According to Richard---All speedos should require a permit!!!! And it should be a woman or group of women who judge the individual applicants after they have submitted full disclosure, especially a picture. Otherwise we are all subject to our aesthetic values being irreparably damaged and they will be subject to a Speedo ticket!!!!!

On the other hand, how is it that we puritans ever believed we needed bathing suits at all. We’ve grown accustomed to the freedom of the “au naturel” swimming experience.
Is skinny-dipping only for the skinny? Nooooooo.
No speedos, no speedos, no speedos!!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The island of Mallorca

We had a beautiful overnight cruise from Barcelona to our favorite (so far) island of Mallorca. It was a magical moonlit night and even more magical moonset into the ocean right before dawn. This is what makes the sleepless night worth it.....
We enjoyed the sweet realization on the voyage over that as much as we both aspire to adventures in our lives, the great true adventure is LOVE!!!! The mystery and depth is limitless and the only real adventure worth pursuing. We are reminded of Rumi's poem that we included in our wedding celebration:

A lover asked his beloved,
Do you love yourself more than you love me?
Beloved replied, I have died to myself and I live for you.
I've disappeared from myself and my attributes,
I am present only for you.
I've forgotten all my learnings,
but from knowing you I've become a scholar.
I've lost all my strength, but from your power I am able.
I love myself...I love you.
I love you...I love myself.

The adventure of Willow and Richard---and you and your Beloved ( self, mate, family, friends,puppies and kittens.....)
Wishing you all the adventure of love in all the magical ways it appears for you.....

We anchored in a sweet and secluded cala (cove) on the north side of the island. Secluded and all ours at night altho from the picture you can see that we share it in the daytime with lots of friends and playmates. The water is clear, gorgeous and warm and we enjoyed our first time swimming and snorkeling this season. We are happy to be able to release the constraints of clothing and conformity here in our little calas. We also enjoyed the company of a little goat every evening at sunset as he romped in the water for our entertainment.

After a few days we cruised down the west coast of Mallorca and had a thrill as several dolphins came to play with us. They loved to swim along with us at our bow and we whistled and clapped to let them know how much we enjoyed their visit. Once in a while they would jump out of the water just to get a good look at us. What a great gift from the Universe to just remind us of our own playful nature.

We anchored in the little port of Andraitx and went a shore to a favorite little boutique (R loves
to adorn W) and then enjoyed vegetarian paella at the little seaside restaurant in the photo overlooking the harbor.

Sailed on this morning and now are anchored out at Cabo Malgrats awaiting the full moon and
lunar eclipse tonight. (Tues the 7th)
Sending all of you moonbeams and light from the Mother and reminding you to let your own magnificent light shine on.......

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Farewell Barcelona

We are sailing away today from Barcelona to the Balaeric island of Mallorca. We have loved our time here but are also anxious and ready to escape to the quiet, peaceful life of anchoring out in little coves around the islands.

Our last night in Barcelona we ate at our favorite little restaurant (pic included) and then went to the Club Havana where we drank Mojitos and watched everyone "salsa the night away". Unfortunately, we realize we have so forgotten our salsa lessons we learned a few years ago so in San Miguel. Something fun to relearn back in Tucson this winter.

A few closing thoughts on Barcelona:
We are amazed at how over the last couple of hundred years the innovative and creative styles of art and architecture have evolved to form such a rich and diversified city full of variety and beauty.
Art everywhere---just for art's sake,for no other reason than just "celebration".
A city made for the common, everyday person to enjoy.
We have been thrilled with the fantastic food, tapas and quality of wine. Such fun to shop daily at he local market for our fruit and veggies. Lucky for our waistlines, we have walked miles and miles everyday.....
A few quirky oddities such as the little old man walking amidst the crowds with nothing on except his bathing trunks..... tattooed on.
And the wheelchair bound old man who was playing rapturously with his anatomically correct life-sized, naked blow up doll.
Just to stroll along "La Ramblas" and be entertained by all of the street musicians and street performers for free....
We feel so blessed that English has been generally chosen as the language of commerce in the non-english speaking world as our spanish is "muy piquito".
Overall, such kindness and friendliness shared by everyone to us---the spanish as well as the helpful english and charming frenchmen we have met.

We were also lucky enough to see a 5 story tall, 450ft.long motor luxury yacht owned by Larry Ellison and David Geffen. (Rising Sun) It appeared to be the ultimate in conspicuous consumption, but it was incredibly elegant.

Barcelona has become one of "our cities" and we are thankful for the time we have lived here.

It is a city alive with "Spontaneous Exuberance", an attitude we value and aspire to in our own lives.

We have come to realize that we are not "on vacation" but we "live" here. Wherever "here is" .......
Our home is EcstaSea and wherever she is, we are at home.

And now, we sail away..........................

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Barcelona, Spain

This is the harbor EcstaSea is resting in with Barcelona close in the background.

After and uneventful 2 1/2 day cruise up the coast of Spain we arrived in Barcelona. After 2 nights of sailing Willow became much more comfortable with the mystery of sailing in the dark and relying on radar, so we are confident that longer passages will be easeful.

Barcelona is everything we had hoped for and heard about. Beauty, sculptures, fountains, art (just for arts sake), music everywhere---LIFE abounds......

We've done the usual touristy things but now feel that this is "our" city as we have lived here the last week and a half and know it really well. We spent a day riding the tourist bus which took us all over the city, giving us the history and overview. We toured the Sagrada Familia, the Antoni Gaudi temple cathedral which still isn't finished. We rode the tram high over the harbor and city up to the mountain called Montjuicc with it's castle at the top and the gardens and Olympic area.

We've had awesome food and in fact, have not had a bad meal at all. We have enjoyed Spanish wine and of course, Sangria. We visit and shop at the local market and we walk in the Squares in the evening listening to all of the street musicians.

Life is sweet here in Barcelona........