Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Monsoon Madness and the Med

When the Monsoon rains come to the desert, it is a BIG deal. In fact, in Tucson we call it Monsoon Madness and we love it! And this summer it has been magical and magnificent. The clouds form over the Catalina mountains behind our home every afternoon and then they explode with thunder, lightening and a down pouring of abundant rain. And every cactus, plant, animal and human dances with joy! All of life not only "needs" rain, but comes to life with spontaneous exuberance...
So here are a few samplings of color and flowers of the desert after the rain:

This is our front yard with the Bird of Paradise orange and yellow against a green backdrop...

And a beautiful butterfly enjoying the nectar...

All of the plants and trees around our fountain...

And the greenery and purple flowers in our back yard...

And look at the mountains in the background. We have never seen them as green as they are this year...

So as you can tell, we have loved being in the desert during the monsoon time--especially this summer. It was a Monsoon Madness to the max!!!

We have been on EcstaSea for the last two years in the Caribbean. And we have loved the Caribbean Sea, warm and inviting, full of such a variety of life to behold as we swam and snorkeled.
We have missed the Mediterranean Ocean and Europe.
We have changed our mind about the Caribbean and chose again. And we now choose to be back in the Mediterranean.  And so we have made it happen.
We are on EcstaSea now in Palma, Mallorca for a few weeks. Then we will sail her to Sardinia, Italy and put her up for the winter. We will then winter back in Tucson and be back on EcstaSea next summer.

We love the Med and it feels like home to be here again....