Wednesday, February 12, 2020

EcstaSea Arrives

Our winter in the States was crazy busy with lots of travel time. We made several trips to Charleston to visit family, upstate New York for a retreat, California several times to visit dear friends, and San Carlos Mexico. Then after the Captain's New Year's Eve birthday it was surprisingly 2020, and our attention turned once again to EcstaSea...

EcstaSea left Spain the first of the year with 3 crew members aboard. The Captain was our dear friend Xavier who was also crew with us when we crossed to the Caribbean in 2013. We trust him completely as he knows the boat as well as we do. He brought David and Luis with him as crew. Fortunately they had an uneventful crossing of the Atlantic and arrived safely in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on February 6th. We were there to greet them in the marina as they arrived...

Xavier (the Captain) with my Captain, out celebrating the safe arrival..

The crew Luis and David also celebrating...

Now if you've never been at sea for 20 days without seeing land, you might not understand all of the celebrating...but if you have, you get it!

We had a few days with all of them before they flew back home to Spain. And then we had a few days aboard Esea in the marina to prepare her for selling. We began packing the things we wanted to ship home to Tucson and found it somewhat challenging. How do we condense 13 years of our floating home into what we want and can use in our desert home? Do you see the dilemma??? So we spent our last 3 days and nights on her with lots of tears and laughter.
We found and hired a good yacht broker and put her on the market, and also someone to watch and take care of her until she found her new home.  
Instead of leaving EcstaSea in the marina, we found a berth up the New River where many boats are moored in front of the homes along the River. Ft Lauderdale is called the Venice of America with many wealthy mansions all along the river such as this one...

This is our last cruise on Esea as we take her up the river to her new berth...
You can see all of the boats in front of houses along the river...

The view from the cockpit across the river...

And it is here where we left her but not without some photos of how beautiful she is...

My Captain one last time on EcstaSea...

And of course, one last selfie on her...

Parting shots as we walk away...

What a safe, gorgeous and loving sailing home she has been and all we can say is "THANK YOU"!!!

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