Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Old Hippies

While waiting for our new sails to be made and completed, we decided to motor (get it? we can't sail without our sails) on over to the island of Ibiza. Ibiza is one of our favorite places as it is the place old hippies go to die and the place where new hippies are born and reborn.
From young gypsy couples with baby in tow stopping anywhere to sing and dance for their supper to hippy entrepreneurs at the Hippy Market, we appreciate their courage to show up in their authenticity and uniqueness. The courage to be "different" and to trust who they are is something we admire and wish we had come to long ago in our lives.
With that said, here are some peeks into the life of Ibiza....

The colorful "old hippy" on the way to the Hippie Market.                                                                              

See if you can find the other old hippie under the banner at the Hippie Market.

The Hippy Market is literally hundreds of booths of clothing, jewelry, and displays of everything that you didn't know you wanted or needed and thousands of other shoppers realizing the same thing. And yes, everytime we come to Ibiza we come and find lots of fun treasures.

Like the gypsy skirts and a fun time with the woman who makes them.

And the young woman who makes feather earrings with naturally-found feathers,  washed in the sacred rivers in India.

 Great sitar music to entertain and meditate to.                  

And to levitate to.

So all in all, you can see that it was another fun day in the lives of hippies---old and young....

Another favorite place is the port of Santa Eulalia where Willow had her first steak ever last year. So of course, she had to have another at the same great restaurant called "The Gallery".                              

Then enough of the hustle and bustle of the port, hippie markets, and all of the people and off to anchor on the little island of Espalmador where all is quiet and tranquil once again.
Beach walks are always special......

And who wouldn't want a Captain that looks like this???

And Yum, Yum....Our own version of Kiwi Pie that we have often for dinner---just because we can.

Once again we thank Ibiza for the spirit of light-heartedness and playfulness that keeps us coming back. It has a sweet way of renewing and energizing our spirits and remains one of our favorite getaways.....

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