We still ask ourselves why Napolean escaped after just 1 year on this magnificent island. What was he thinking?
We finally had our first big thunderstorm of the summer. It was interesting to watch the drama of it unfold over the mountains and feel it's intensity as the rain poured down from the heavens. Living on the water and then being engulfed by the water as it rained down on us was like being in the womb. Safe and protected and totally surrounded by water. Peacefully we cocooned in and immersed ourselves in the water of life.
This has been an interesting social summer for us on EcstaSea. We are normally solitary in our togetherness and very happy so. But one of our intentions and creations this year was to "Clearly express who we are, inviting more meaningful conversations and relationships in our lives." And apparently we have done so as we have met not only interesting people from all over the world, but they have been people that we have been able to "dig deep" with.
We had no more than dropped anchor on Elba and 5 minutes later a little boat came by and we began a fun conversation with Paola (from Rome), Julia (from New York but now living in Rome) and Dina (from New York moving to Rome). They generously invited us to dinner that night and have become deep and meaningful friends for us. We love and appreciate them for their generous spirits and open heartedness to play with us in a deep relationship that enriches us all.
Once again, we are reminded that when we open up to the possibilities....all is possible!!!
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