Willow’s courage was challenged but she triumphed as Richard hauled her up to the top of the mast for some needed repairs. What a view!!! Yeah, that little speck at the top really is Willow.
We have re-acquainted ourselves with this sweet little town and eaten lasagne, pasta, great wine and lots of gelato at our favorite restaurants. While the food is wonderful we notice that there is not the variety that we are accustomed to -- it is still all Italian food. So, once in a while we really, really, really need to visit McDonalds!!!!
We hear the old gypsy couple as she plays the tambourine and he plays the same 10 notes of “It’s now or never” on his saxophone (all day long). We would love to to pay them to stop but don’t know how to communicate that in Italiano.
We took a few days outside of Alghero and anchored out in a little cove just to get our sea legs back. Once again we are aware of the great contrast between living on land where nothing under your feet moves to living on a fluid, constantly changing ocean of waves. Everything moving and changing which is really what life is all about, isn’t it?
It’s still spring like here with a chill in the air and we realize we left Tucson summer and are enjoying a change of seasons, in reverse.
We enjoy the sound of the boisterous and demonstrative Italian language all around us, but are struck with the silence within our own minds since we can’t understand what they are saying. No eavesdropping or intrusion into our own thoughts since we have no comprehension of the multitude of conversations around us. It is quite refreshing and oh so quiet in the midst of so much noise….
And yes, we do know enough Italian to get by when we need to and that is just enough for us.
The sunsets have been spectacular as we watch the sun go down with a glass of wine on the deck of EcstaSea and notice the statue of Mary overlooking the harbor. We love this old walled city with it's cobblestone streets and are proud to call it "ours", well, at least for now.
Once again our time on EcstaSea is “timeless” and that is the gift we give ourselves with this lifestyle that we have chosen. Timeless, peaceful, quiet and full of awareness and beauty. For this we are ever thankful…..
Great to see you are back on the blog AND on the water! It give us a way to keep up with you and live the sea life vicariously. Sandra Joy will be here in a few days enjoying many avenues of spiritual exploration. Keep us all in your hearts and minds, as we will you. May you have smooth sailing! MV
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