Our truth at the moment is that we have made great progress in moving from the "hyper-alert" state that we were living in, towards an easeful state of "attentive-awareness"- and that feels much better. We have had the time to process and just "be" with all that is in the "here and now" and just breathe, rest and relax. For this we are thankful.
We made our way back west to the Ionian Sea and the beautiful Greek islands in this area. It was immediately at least 10 degrees cooler and the winds and seas are much more gentle here. After anchoring on the islands of Ithaca and Cephalonia we found a sweet, quiet cove off of the island of Levkas and mainland Greece. And here we bobbed around at anchor for almost 2 weeks---swimming. snorkeling, sunning, and just "being". We call our little anchorage "Sheeps Cove" as the sheep meander down the pasture to the beach every mornin
After our quiet time in Sheeps Cove we sailed up the the northernmost Ionian Island of Corfu to pick up a part and finish some repairs on EcstaSea. We arrived in the harbor just in time as a big Northwesterl
We are encouraged and delighted that we are having such an enjoyable time here as we have finally made peace with Greece. Or perhaps, Greece as made peace with us......
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