After a long resting time we were ready to play again and spent a few days in the beginning of December in Las Vegas. It was a fulfillment of a "want" to see Leonard Cohen (poet, singer-songwriter) live in concert, and ohhhhh what a concert it was!!!! And of course, Las Vegas was as curious, wild and fun as ever !!!!!
Then we felt the pull on our heart strings to spend time once again with our long time teacher, Ram Dass. The retreat "Open Your Heart in Paradise" was aptly named as it was on the island of Maui- which of course, is about as close as you can get to paradise in physicality and form. We spent 5 days with him in total bliss as at 79 and still stroked he is truly in his prime and completely present in love. We got to spend several hours each evening in kirtan with Krishna Das and daily meditation teachings with Sharon Salzberg and also yoga.
Now, we are still in Maui for the Christmas holiday and will actually spend Christmas in a "treehouse" on the back side of the island in Hana. If you want a picture and view of our Treehouse check out this website and click on the "Tree Tops" (
The gift of Christ was and is his unconditional love and in that spirit we celebrate. Our gift to each of you is our love and our wish for your ever expanding peace, love and joy......
Namaste' (the spirit of love within us recognizes and honors the spirit of love in you),
Willow and Richard