We are consciously aware not to call Tucson exclusively "home" as we are equally at home on EcstaSea wherever we are--be it Spain, France or wherever. Home is truly "where the heart is" and we aspire to be aware that our heart is always with us in the "Here and Now.....ever Present" and we love the transient, traveling home we have created with each other.
And with that said, we want to express appreciation for our wonderful friends in Sardinia, Italy who have watched over our sailing home while we have been here in Tucson. Dominic who lets us relax here as he overseas the boats well-being, and his Dad, Tony. Thank you.................
Hi to our playful friend Christopher, who rides his bike to greet us when we are there.
We love and appreciate living on a constantly moving ocean home and also our solid, stable desert home with it's beautiful mountains right outside our windows. One extreme to another and we have adapted quite well, even if we do say so ourselves!
So...... the months have passed and winter has come and gone. Where? we are not sure......... Time................. What a mystery!!!!!!!!!
We experience on EcstaSea the timelessness of the ocean, and it is our intention to live within that timelessness with ease and naturalness. We have attempted to continue to play within that mysterious realm as we re-entered a more time-based reality here in Tucson.
And how did we do? Good question. We have found it a bit more challenging as there are clocks all around us (even in the car, on the microwave, on the cell phone-everywhere) and time based input from media as well as appointments to keep, etc. We acknowledge that we have fewer demands on our time at this point in our life, however we are surprised at how easily and unconsciously we can fall into the world of tick-tock. So, we continue to remind each other and find bursts of timelessness even here.
It's been an awesome winter with much time and love with family and friends. And now it is time to journey on.............. See you wherever, in and on EcstaSea!!!!!!!!!!!!