Well, here we are in Monte Carlo, for what turned out to be an over-the -top wildly fun week!!! We ventured to Monaco to meet our dear friends, Carol and Larry Cobb. Larry is the fantastic drummer for the Kevin Costner band Modern West, and Costner and the band were in Monte Carlo for a benefit concert. Sooo, meeting with our friends we were able to be band "groupies" and play in their world all week long.
The first day we boarded a 92 ft yacht and motored over to Cannes for a wonderful lunch on the beach with Costner, the band and their wives. It was a treat for us to experience the difference between a fast motor yacht and our sail boat, re-enforcing our preference for EcstaSea. Back in Monte Carlo we enjoyed a quiet evening on the yacht, listening to the band jam and just play around.
The next day we got a special treat as we were invited aboard the super mega yacht Lady Moura. Lady Moura is a 200 million, 340 ft long vessel owned by a Saudi billionaire that we have seen all over the Med last year and this summer. We got the full tour and it was spectacular in an unreal sort of way. The best part was the fantastic lunch served aboard with truly the best food we have ever tasted. We left with the realization that the only aspect of that lifestyle we envied was the food and the cooks!!!!!
Kevin Costner being a friend of Prince Albert afforded us a tour of the private quarters in the palace unseen to the public. Inside the residence and the beautiful gardens gave us a glimpse of the life of Princess Grace. She designed the pool and garden area herself and it had such a tranquil energy. We have toured many palaces in our travels but this was the first one that is still very much lived in and still a working palace in every way.
The next day it was truly our privelege to take a few of the band members and their wives out on EcstaSea for an exciting sail along the coast. She sailed strong, powerful and free as always. We truly enjoyed getting to know the band and their wives, all of them authentically wonderful in their own way and are proud to call them friends.
We got all dressed up (different for us as we have spent the last 5 months barely dressed at all along the islands) and Richard pretended to be Bond, James Bond with his Pussy Willow and we went to the Casino. Lost a few euros but had great fun with the rich and famous making their appearances.
And yes, Willow will take Stone, Richard Stone over Bond any day!!!!!!
Richard's big "aha" from this experience of interacting with billionaires and celebrities is this: "They would all benefit tremendously from hanging out with us more, but we just don't have the time!" (ha ha)
And with that said, we are once again ready to enjoy our life of peaceful solitary togetherness and sail away on EcstaSea.
We are sailing south to Sardenia where we will put EcstaSea up for the winter and we will arrive back in our Tucson home around the first of November. What an awesome summer it has been and we are forever grateful for this time in our lives........................